Submission to the review of the National Water Initiative Prepared by Concerned Waterways Alliance – 13 May 2024

Submission to Latrobe City Council for Amendment C131 – Flood Overlays Update Prepared by Tracey Anton on behalf of Friends of Latrobe Water – 5 April 2024

Submission feedback for Australia’s New Nature Positive Laws Prepared by Tracey Anton on behalf of Friends of Latrobe Water – 30 March 2024

Submission to Minister Plibersek comment in respect to ESSO/EARPL South East Australia Carbon Capture and Storage Prepared by Tracey Anton on behalf of Friends of Latrobe Water – 18 March 2024

Submission feedback for Draft Gippsland Lakes Ramsar Site Management Plan 2023 Prepared by Tracey Anton on behalf of Friends of Latrobe Water – 19 January 2024

Submission for feedback on Classifying waste and waste soils containing PFAS Prepared by Tracey Anton on behalf of Friends of Latrobe Water – 21 December 2023

Feedback submission on Classifying waste and waste soils containing PFAS Consultation Prepared by Concerned Waterways Alliance – 21 December 2023

Feedback submission to Discussion Starter – Developing the new Victorian Waterway Management Strategy Prepared by Friends of Latrobe Water – 1st September 2023 (Addition to submission by Concerned Waterways Alliance, of which Friends of Latrobe Water are active member.)

Submission feedback for Black Coal Fly Ash: Reducing regulatory barriers for use Prepared by Friends of Latrobe Water – 21 August 2023

Supplementary submission to Advisor for the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Toxics and Human Rights Prepared by Friends of Latrobe Water – 19 July 2023

AGL Loy Yang Development License Application for Ash Landfill Extension Submission Prepared by Friends of Latrobe Water – 17 March 2023

Proposed Trailing Liabilities Framework Submission response Prepared by Friends of Latrobe Water – 28 February 2023

Submission comment on Draft PFAS National Environmental Management Plan: Version 3.0 Prepared by Friends of Latrobe Water and The Concerned Waterways Alliance – 28 February 2023

Letter outlining environmental concerns to Price Monitoring and Regulation Essential Services Commission Prepared by Friends of Latrobe Water – 20 December 2022

Submission to Greater Melbourne Urban Water & System Strategy: Water for Life Prepared by Friends of Latrobe Water – 14 July 2022

Comment on the Water is Life – Traditional Owner Access to Water Roadmap Prepared by Friends of Latrobe Water – 14 June 2022

Submission to the Inquiry into the Closure of the Hazelwood and Yallourn Power Stations by the Legislative Council Economy and Infrastructure Committee Prepared by Friends of Latrobe Water – 17 December 2021

Submission to Central and Gippsland Sustainable Water Strategy draft Prepared by Friends of Latrobe Water – December 2021

Sustainable Strategy for Water – Response to the discussion draft of the Central and Gippsland Sustainable Water Strategy (first iteration) Prepared by Concerned Waterways Alliance – December 2021

Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties in response to the Inquiry into the Minamata Convention on Mercury Prepared by Friends of Latrobe Water – 19 July 2021

Addendum to Central and Gippsland Region Sustainable Water Strategy  Prepared by Friends of Latrobe Water – 22 May 2021

Submission into the review on the use of Recycled Water – Victorian Guideline for Water Recycling Prepared by Friends of Latrobe Water – 26 November 2020

Submission to the EPA into the Review of the EPA’s Recycled Water Guidance (The PFAS & Microplastics Dilemma) Prepared by Friends of the Earth Australia – 21 November 2020

Submission to the Productivity Commission in response to the National Water Reform 2020 Inquiry Prepared by Friends of Latrobe Water – 26 August 2020

Latrobe Valley Draft Preliminary Land Use Vision Prepared by Environmental Justice Australia – 8 November 2019



How to write a submission

Three easy steps: How to write a submission

By Environmental Justice Australia

Every day, our elected representatives and public servants are working on major projects and making big decisions which affect everyone’s lives.

When decision makers conduct inquiries or propose new rules, projects or policies that could impact on people and places, the community is often invited to have their say.

This is a precious part of our democracy. It gives everyone the chance to engage in the policies which affect our communities and environment.